Reminiscing Newborn Moments with Pampers Premium Care
Just this morning I sent my two boys off to school. Yes both of them. Wearing their little uniforms and their chubby feet in white socks and nice new school shoes. Next to Max, Sebastian looks so big. Like a real little boy, no longer my baby. He’s turning out to be an amazing child, imaginative, vibrant, thoughtful, always expressing his gratitude… Talking like an old man with a huge vocabulary and shining wit. It melts my heat to see him be kind and take care of his brother. Hugging and kissing him, of course with the occasional push and grab. Boys will be boys. Sebastian was always a chubby one! With lots of meat to grab and squoosh!
Maximilian’s character is starting to shine through. Mischievous, always playing pranks, quick to smile and laugh, with a bit of a short temper but easily forgets his woes. As quickly as they came they’ve already gone. He’s forever climbing up on things so much so we’ve dubbed him our little Monkey. He loves his brother immensely and follows him around the house. No one can make him laugh as much as his kuya does. It’s the cutest thing!
My Maxi was always a smiley baby! He was also the most perfect newborn I ever saw, just like an angel!
How did time fly by so fast? Weren’t they just two cute small babies that would fall asleep on my chest? Tiny little beings that would snuggle against my neck and I could inhale all their beautiful newborns scent? I remember those weary newborns days with such bittersweet tenderness. Taking long naps with a my baby.. Just enjoying each moment of simply being with them. So precious. Now they can hardly sit still!!! Always off to some new adventure.
Some things however haven’t changed like how much they still love to snuggle and cuddle. Both my babies have always been very tactile and responsive to touch and affection. They both love to be bathed, get massaged with essential oils, even if at the moment they complain I know they both love it when I squeeze them tight! Photo below is of me with Sebastian, such an amazing moment! the very first time they put the baby on your chest and you get to hold them tight. Right after is a photo of Maximilian and I… I was always afraid that I wouldn’t be able to love another child as much but your heart truly doubles!
Sebastian meeting his brother Maximilian for the first time. From the very beginning he was smitten! Look at their smiles!
“The skin plays an essential role in baby’s emotional, cognitive, and brain development, as they learn many things first through touch.” Says Jan Ang, Marketing Manager of Pampers Philippines. “Giving the best care for babies means providing them with superior skin care protection and comfort that embody their mother’s unconditional love.” This is definitely true for us here at home given that both my babies were born with particularly fragile skin, prone to irritations. When choosing diapers for Sebastian as a first time mom, I immediately chose Pampers which to be honest is the first and most trusted brand to come to mind. This was way before I even had a blog or was ever tapped to be an ambassador for Pampers. It was so easy for me to say yes to the campaign with Maximilian because Pampers is and has always been our first choice at home for diapers.
I’ll never forget the first time my husband and I changed a diaper in the middle of the night. We were like two bungling idiots trying to perform some complicated operation in the middle of the night! We were both so panicked! It’s was so funny! And now we can both change diapers with our eyes closed and we know that the key to a good night’s sleep is a good diaper.
Gorgeous newborn photos by Stanley Ong. Above is Sebastian and below is Maximilian.The Pampers Premium Care line features diaper innovations that provide 5-star skin protection. Quality materials and breakthrough technology made in Japan ensure softness, dryness, and comfort for babies’ sound sleep and happy mornings. Did you also know that it is made in Japan? “Japanese craftsmanship is regarded as the most exquisite and masterful in the world. Pampers Premium Care made in Japan embodies our comimitment to providing the best in the world for every baby. Our relentless devotion to perfection and excellence drives us to constantly improve and enhance our products. Our products are a constantly evolving piece of art and an object of pride for our craftsmen at the P&G Akashi plant,” says Nina Gerodias, Assistant Brand Manager, Pampers Philippines.
Apart from the Magic Gel Channels that quickly absorb and spread the liquid evenly throughout the diaper and the Skin Protection Lotion, they have a special top sheet called the Absorb Away Liner for the NB and S sizes. This is kind of like a net with larger holes that allows newborn babies’ wet and runny poop to be absorb into the diaper. This is super great! It prevents the poop from rubbing into the skin and of course lessens the chances of poop explosions! It is the most preferred newborn diaper by Manila’s top hospitals. In addition, Smart Parenting—the parenting authority in the Philippines—has given Pampers its seal of approval as the diaper “Best for Newborn Skin.” The brand is also recognized as the No. 1 Recommended Brand for Newborn Skin by the Mother and Child Nursing Association of the Philippines (MCNAP), a duly-recognized specialty professional nursing organization with solid national presence.
I’m proud to be a Pampers mom from the very beginning!
Need diapers now??? Click here to buy directly online from Lazada and have them delivered to your doorstep!
***This post was sponsored by Pampers***
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